
Research Groups

GRID: Digital Interaction Research Group

Coordination: Adriana Braga

Area: Applied Social Sciences; Communication

Description/Overview: This Research Group is dedicated to investigating processes of social interaction in online activities. Among other objects of study, GRID investigates the communication dynamics established in the interactive environments of social media, and the uses and appropriations of mobile communication technologies. Furthermore, the group researches theories and methodologies for communication research projects.

The documentary in cinema and audiovisual interfaces: images and meanings in dispute

Coordination: Andrea França

Area: Applied Social Sciences; Communication

Description/Overview: This Research Group investigates the expressive processes and ways of addressing spectators that documentaries develop to establish relations among historical, public and private events. The use of archive images, testimonies, reenactments and editing to operate using images from around the world, through history and memory (both public and personal). Our research group is dedicated to historical, theoretical and esthetic investigations of documentary filmmaking, considered a fundamental field in audiovisual culture for the understanding of contemporary society. More specifically, through audiovisual objects in concrete social contexts, we investigate the dynamics that circulate as they connect to memories of the military dictatorship in Brazil. This research proposal was successfully awarded by Call For Proposal No. 43/2013 – Human Sciences, Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences.

COMP: Communication, Internet and Politics Research Group

Coordination: Arthur Ituassu

Area: Applied Social Sciences; Communication

Description/Overview: The Communication, Internet and Politics Research Group at PUC-Rio (COMP) deals with the impacts of digital political communication in the Brazilian and Latin American democracies. Within this framework, the group analyzes the consequences and potentialities of the internet on institutional, representative, informational, participatory and deliberative levels of Brazilian and Latin American politics. COMP is associated with the National Institute of Science and Technology in Digital Democracy (INCT.DD) and has, as research partners, the Laboratorio de Comunicación Política (LACOP), Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, in México, and the Center for Latin American Studies, University of Arizona (U.S.).

Coordination: Bruna Aucar

JuX: Carioca Youths, their Cultures and Media Representations

Coordination: Claudia Pereira

Area: Applied Social Sciences; Communication

Description/Overview: The purpose of this Research Project is to develop a cultural map of the city of Rio de Janeiro from the standpoint of its youth cultures, through media representations of the social and cultural expressions that compose it. In other words, the intention is to observe various local identities of youths, in the form of subcultures, to then find media representations with an emphasis in Advertising as they become part of a common culture. Within the context of Communication studies, such objective also aims to contribute to understanding the processes of social interaction that transform reality as it is observed, lived and shared in the collective experience of social life, into ideas.

LAC: Anthropology of Comunication and Consumption Lab

Coordination: Everardo Rocha

Area: Applied Social Sciences; Communication

Description/Overview: As part of PUC-Rio’s Graduate Program in Communication, this Research Group brings together researchers dedicated to the study of consumption and advertising narratives, whether in relation to contemporary questions or in their cultural history. Our objective is to intensify, deepen and systemize the study of advertising while investigating how its representations construct a value system and both inform and shape social behaviors and actors in their consumption practices. Therefore, the studies carried out by the group contribute to an important research area that, despite the relevance of investigations on consumption and advertising, still lacks in reflections geared toward the examination of such phenomena. The group is comprised of undergraduate students and research grantees, as well as graduate students and professors from PUC-Rio’s Graduate Program in Communication. Since its creation, the group has produced research projects that resulted in several academic products in addition to master’s theses and doctoral dissertations.

Theories of Journalism and Professional Experiences

Coordination: Leonel Aguiar

Area: Applied Social Sciences; Communication

Description/Overview: The projects carried out by this Research Group have gained national and international repercussion over the course of the last few years. With articles published in academic journals and collections, in addition to theses that resulted in published books, members of the Theories of Journalism and Professional Experiences Research Group have presented their research and participated in key academic conferences and events in Journalism and Communication both in Brazil and abroad. They have contributed to the field of research in theories of journalism, journalism teaching and practices of journalism. The research projects, developed under the scope of the Communication and Experience line of research, aim to delve not only into how changes in production and work relations affect the professional activities of journalists but, most importantly, how contemporary transformations in journalism can impact the public space and its subjects as active citizens.

Coordination: Marcelo Alves

Description/Overview: The research group focuses on theoretical debates and controversies at the interface between media and technology, using an analytical approach based on digital methods. The scope of action involves diverse issues such as media platformization, algorithms, artificial intelligence, social media governance policies, disinformation and polarization. To this end, we adopt a multidisciplinary theoretical perspective that links areas such as media studies, science and technology studies, sociology of technology and political economy of communication.

Researching archive images and developing a method

Coordination: Patrícia Machado

Description/Overview: This study proposes an investigation into the research and use of archive images in film and audiovisual productions. The aim is to develop, expand and systematize an innovative method for analysing image archives, developed by historian Sylvie Lindeperg, which starts from a perspective that is still little explored in the field of History and Cinema in Brazil and takes into account the complexity of the image, the strategies for taking and retaking it and the elaboration of memories based on the assembly of this material. This perspective suggests that film fragments can be understood as opening up a path to the history of the gaze and the sensitive inscribed in the proximity to the bodies of those who made the event happen. The method involves thinking about the circumstances at the time of filming; about the gestures, hesitations and choices of those filming; about the gazes cast on the images in the paths they follow from the moment they were produced until they are retaken in new films. In order to develop the methods, it is essential to identify the specificities of research in Brazilian collections, taking into account the fragility and dispersion of audiovisual archives and the lack of information on the context in which the material was produced.

EPC/PUC-Rio: Research Group on Political Economy of Communication

Coordination: Patrícia Maurício

Area: Applied Social Sciences; Communication

Description/Overview: The aim of the EPC / PUC-Rio research group is to understand Communication taking into account the business models of media companies and changes in technologies that directly impact the production and distribution of content. For this purpose, we study the scenario in which this occurs, that of accelerated, financialized capitalism and digital platforms. To deal with this background, society and its representatives move and lead to the regulation of communication, and this, both in Brazil and in other countries, is also the object of research by the group. It is within this context that the journalism in platforms and its consequences occur, and we reflect on how public and private interests are placed in this game, which is always in motion. This research group includes doctoral students, master's students and undergraduate students, and these studies have led to several publications and lectures with the objective of exposing the results found from this critical view, contributing to spread the scientific view on communication. EPC / PUC-Rio has a strong connection with other research groups about Communication Political Economy in Brazil and with the União Latina da Economia Política da Informação, da Comunicação e da Cultura (Latin Union of Political Economy of Information, Communication and Culture) - Ulepicc.

Narratives of Modern Life in Media Culture - From Feuilletons to Audiovisual Series

Coordination: Tatiana Siciliano

Area: Applied Social Sciences; Communication

Description/Overview: This group consists of undergraduate research, master’s and doctorate degree students, in addition to any interested undergraduate and graduate student volunteers. Our objective is to discuss topics and bibliographical references and develop research that will result in future articles and seminars, with the aim of expanding academic knowledge.

Books and Communication: Publishing and Distributing Texts in Digital Culture

Coordination: Vera Figueiredo

Area: Applied Social Sciences; Communication

Description/Overview: The purpose of this Research Group is to address books as publishing products, their circulation, and the changes that have taken place over time in the fields of Literature and Journalism and given preference to shifting content around through different media and platforms. This interdisciplinary group brings together researchers from Social Communication and Letters to examine literature’s place in media society, considering the impact of the audiovisual medias’ hegemony over the agendas of production, consumption and valuation of literary works. The idea of a finished work increasingly gives way to the continuous rewriting of texts, which are expected to be flexible so as to facilitate content shifting. Therefore, the group intends to reflect on changes provoked in cultural hierarchies during the age of media convergence by the multiple trans-media narratives that permeate through various platforms – from newspapers to books, from books to movies, from documentaries to series and from television to on-demand products, among other examples. It also seeks to examine changes in the cultural market with respect to literary production – whose prestige has always been strictly related to the aura of its physical structure – the book, and to the very expansion of the concept of books.


Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
- Prédio Kennedy - 6° andar Gávea
Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil - 22451-900
Cx. Postal: 38097
tel. +55 (21) 3527-1144 .